Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mission Employment... Mission Impossible

Same damned thing,

Every Tues, Wed and Thurs day i am require to give up 2 hours of my day to go to this job agency and look for work,

this is a typical visit

I walk in, sign in at the sign in sheet, putting down a time at least 10 mins earlier then i arrived and 30mins later then i plan to leave,
I walk in, grab a sheet avoid(unsuccessfully I might add) one of the annoying reverse marketers.. which i think theyre called that because theyre try to sell you to an employer by pointing out your worse faults...
anyway I then get held up ten minutes by one of them and spend the entire time saying "Yeap, yeah... ok, sounds good.." they know that centrelink says that i cannot turn down a job so why do they keep asking me if i want to do it, like i have any real choice in the matter,

finally i get to one of the.... overgrown calculators(calling them crappy computers is an inuslt to crappy computers everywhere) and log on to the net.
i then spend the next ten minutes looking for 3 jobs to apply for and write down on the sheet,
while i laugh on the inside at the other more pathetic people in there, is using a computer really all that difficult, everything is clearly labelled most of the time
and yet people still go "uhhh where is the internet"


do not get me started on the people unable to locate the A: Drive.

anyway, sometimes these... somewhat overzealous employees usually come and sit next to you
Employee:"How are you?"
fucking great... i still do not have a job.
Me:"I'm Good"
Employee:"So hows the job search coming?"
i'm still here aint I... so obviously its been awesome.
Me: "Ok"
Employee:"What kind of work are you looking for?"
the kind that pays maximum wage for minimum effort
Me:"anything really"
Employee: "Alright then just keep at it"
Me: "I will, thanks"
for nothing.

after that i drop my completed form into the appropriate tray and run the fuck out before i can get cornered by another annoying fucktard... I mean employee.

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