Thursday, July 10, 2008

Feeling Random Again

Random, Random, Random!


What's with show's I like getting cancelled?

it's stoopid.

Firefly, Hex, Earth Final Conflict, Andromeda, Buffy, Angel the list goes on and yet we have shows like big brother that go on and on for years at a time,

Wake up people it's 10 brain damaged people put in a house, normally I am all for the locking away of the Brain Dead, but it's the letting them back out that I find objectionable,

Survivor is a show that would be more entertaining to me if the people were in actual danger.

Don't get me started on the Bacholor/ette craptactular.

Idol? it's 90% crap singers and 1 really good singer that comes in second and gets a better record deal then the bugger who comes in first.

I play games, watch tv and movies etc. etc. to get AWAY from reality, I know what reality is and unfortunately it is beginning to be more and more stupid.

everybody has a podcast these days, who would have seen this coming?

I mean, I can download Good News Week, The Instance and Ninja Babes from Space.